Apply for Housing

AHV has transitioned to the Victorian Housing Register (VHR), which provides applicants with a single point of entry to social housing.

The VHR aims to improve the service provided to clients seeking housing, by streamlining to a broader range of social housing options. There will be a common housing application process and social housing organisations will be able to access one register to allocate vacant properties.

Applicants can opt to be considered for community housing, including AHV housing only, and/or public housing.

This will mean that applicants will only need to lodge one application form (online or paper allocations available).

All applications for housing with AHV will now need to be lodged through the Victorian Housing Register (VHR).

You can access online or paper applications by visiting 

To apply for housing and to be approved to the VHR, applications are assessed against the VHR eligibility criteria.

Applications specific to AHV housing will be assessed by VHR eligibility criteria in addition to the following:

Confirmation of Aboriginality for at least one permanent household member;

If you wish to apply for AHV housing, please visit to access application details, or contact your local DHHS office:

You can also call our Client Services Team for local housing offices contact details.